Thursday, August 6, 2020

“COVID-19 is an understated watershed moment in U.S. national security, whereby a naturally-occurring virus has thrown individual citizens and the highest levels of leadership into disarray.”
– Andrew Gonzalez & Bilva Chandra –

One of the most difficult to understand changes wrought by COVID-19 is the unleashing of new possibilities – both positive and negative. In the thought piece Managing Chaos: Biosecurity in a Post-COVID-19 America, two defense analysts posit that the pandemic has exposed fundamental, structural flaws in the U.S. that might be exploited in the future by bad actors. So as we continue to grapple with this disease, pay close attention to the new ideas and ways of thinking that emerge from our changed world. Because those changes will pose both opportunities for your organization as well as threats.

Click here for the article and…

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be strong. Lead well.
