
The State of the Executive Coaching Industry

The State of the Executive Coaching Industry

Heads up executive coaches, it’s time for a perspective bomb. Just as we’re occasionally asked for our perspective on the current state of a client’s industry, I’ve recently turned that lens on our own profession. What I’ve observed should be...

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Let Core Values Guide Your Talent Strategy

Let Core Values Guide Your Talent Strategy

If you’re a business owner or CEO, you’re already acutely aware of the frustrating talent shortage. Unfortunately, I have bad news for you; the current talent shortage will not improve over the next decade. It will worsen. Therefore, your future...

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COVID-19 Resource List for Leaders Part 2

COVID-19 Resource List for Leaders Part 2

COVID-19 RESOURCES FOR LEADERS We currently exist in a rapidly changing landscape where information can be both untrustworthy and outdated in a short period of time. To assist you with your decisions I’ve compiled a list of trusted, verified information...

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