Strategic Planning

The Case for Stakeholder Mapping

The Case for Stakeholder Mapping

Meaningful stakeholder identification is a critical part of an organization’s planning process. Unfortunately, this step is often overlooked, minimized, skimmed over, or disregarded entirely. Why? Many organizations (and leaders) define their stakeholders far too narrowly when they should instead think...

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Spring 2022 Talent Tip Roundup

Spring 2022 Talent Tip Roundup

The “War for Talent” rages on. This has been a hot topic for the past year and will likely continue to be one for the foreseeable future. Everyone wants to know how to gain an edge with both recruitment and...

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Scenario Planning for Growth: Featuring Gideon Malherbe

Scenario Planning for Growth: Featuring Gideon Malherbe

If you’re fortunate, your career will enable you to travel to memorable places, work on interesting projects, and meet unique people. I’ve always felt fortunate when these opportunities arise. Recently, I had the chance to meet yet another unique person...

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