Friday, August 2, 2024

Read time: 3-4 min

This week’s AI for the C Suite™ review pilots a revised format for enhanced readability and includes insights into process modeling, team dynamics and the second study about Microsoft Copilot. Here’s what you need to know:

1. AI Research Breakdown

Leveraging AI for Process Modeling: Lessons from a Fortune 500 Company

A recent case study involving Hilti Group, a multinational leader in construction technology, offers valuable insights into how middle market organizations can harness the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to streamline their process modeling efforts. Key takeaways include:

  • Clear governance structure for AI tools are critical to their success within an organization
  • Off-the-shelf AI systems are unlikely to meet the demands of complex organizations – customization and training will be required
  • Comprehensive training and change management programs are key when introducing AI tools

The Hidden Influence of AI on Team Dynamics: What Every Executive Needs to Know

A study from Northeastern University titled Collective Attention in Human-AI teams reveals that AI’s influence on team dynamics goes far deeper than we might expect with significant implications for decision-making, communication and overall team performance. A few key takeaways:

  • Teams adopt AI terminology even when they distrust the system
  • AI usage appears to actually strengthens human team cohesion

AI Copilot in the Workplace: Actionable Insights for Middle Market Leaders

Microsoft’s latest research paper, “Generative AI in Real-World Workplaces: The Second Microsoft Report on AI and Productivity Research,” offers valuable insights about the usability of Microsoft Copilot. Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Impacts vary by role with the highest benefit in Customer Service and Sales and the lowest benefit in Legal and R&D
  • Benefits from the AI tools increase over time with users using Copilot for 10 weeks or more experiencing the highest gains

Click here to access our full analysis of all three research papers at AI for the C Suite™

2. Exclusive New Resource

As the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly pivotal in modern business operations, it’s crucial for leaders to ask the right questions to ensure they are adopting truly effective and ethical AI systems. Next week we’ll be posting our new guide Essential Questions for Evaluating AI Systems: A Guide for Business Leaders. There’s power in asking questions such as What AI engine or framework powers this system, and why was it chosen? and I encourage you to remain simultaneously optimistic in the potential power of AI and skeptical when confronted by vendors promising the moon. There are real AI solutions on the market. Just be sure you choose wisely.

3. Let’s Talk About Voice

Do you ever speak to your AI? I do. And, while I’ve been pleased with the usability to date, voice interaction is about to improve dramatically. This week, Open AI began rolling out its Advanced Voice Mode which claims to do a number of new tricks – including sensing emotional tone from your voice. The new mode is bound to turn heads and I encourage you to begin experimenting with incorporating this feature into your daily work. One of my core AI principles is that It’s a conversation, not a prompt. If you take that idea to heart, you’re bound to see the benefit.

4. Elevate Your Leadership with AI for the C Suite™

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