Friday, August 9, 2024

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This week’s AI for the C Suite review highlights the launch of our upcoming podcast, breaks down the newest AI research, links out to our newest article on how to navigate the ever-changing AI landscape and drops some knowledge about Microsoft’s 2Q AI spend. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Pssst… Podcast Launch Imminent

It’s official. AI for the C Suite is now a podcast available on your listening platform of choice!!! Our first episode drops on August 19, 2024 with new episodes published every two weeks. Our relentless focus is to equip leaders of middle market organizations with actionable and timely wisdom to harness generative AI’s power. To bring this to you, we’re interviewing thought leaders, founders and entrepreneurs of AI-related businesses and organizations deploying generative AI. Subscribe via one of the links below to ensure you never miss an episode.

2. AI Research Breakdown

AI Guardrails: Lessons from Education for Responsible AI Deployment

A recent paper describes the development and deployment of a domain-specific guardrail model for ensuring safe and appropriate content in an AI-powered K-12 education platform. This is valuable information for any organization interested in building their own LLM. Key takeaways include:

  • Smaller, optimized models can often outperform larger ones for specific tasks. Don’t assume bigger is always better in AI
  • High-quality, domain-specific datasets for training and fine-tuning AI model can provide a significant competitive advantage
  • Continuous evaluation and improvement processes for AI systems are a “must” asthe AI landscape evolves rapidly, requiring ongoing refinement

AI Revolutionizes Database Management: What Executives Need to Know

Database performance can make or break an organization’s operational efficiency and a new study demonstrates that LLMs – the same type of AI powering chatbots like ChatGPT – can match or even surpass human experts and traditional algorithms in this critical area. A few key takeaways:

  • LLMs often achieved optimal database configurations in significantly fewer iterations than conventional approaches
  • The ability of LLMs to generalize across different database environments suggests they could be particularly valuable for organizations with diverse or evolving database needs
  • With minimal adjustments, LLMs demonstrated an impressive ability to generalize across different database engines, workloads, and hardware setups

Read our full summary and analysis of all research papers at AI for the C Suite.

3. New Article Posted!

Check out my most recent article Navigating the Generative AI Revolution: A Roadmap for Middle Market Leaders. You’ll find key takeaways and action steps that you can take today to begin your AI journey.

4. Exponential Age Data Point

During Q2 2024 Microsoft spent $19B on AI and its data center infrastructure. Microsoft continues to demonstrate that they’re deadly serious about generative AI and their most recent disclosure shows the extent to which they’re willing to continue to move ahead of the pack by investing in the future.

5. Elevate Your Leadership with AI for the C Suite

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Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be strong. Lead well.
