Thursday, February 4, 2021

“While we’ve made progress, a radical reinvention of our civil-military innovation relationship is necessary if we want to keep abreast of our adversaries.”
– Steve Blank, Joe Felter and Raj Shah –

Stanford University and the Modern War Institute have been regularly publishing content from their recently concluded course Technology, Innovation, and Modern War. One of the key takeaways was that “National security is now inexorably intertwined with commercial technology and is hindered by our lack of a national industrial and economic policy.” This takeaway is as equally relevant for SME’s as it is for the DoD as it speaks to the reliance we all have upon private sector innovation and the perils of constantly upgrading without a unifying strategy. To learn more, Click here for a class summary then ask yourself whether your technology investments are integrated with your strategy or simplify an automatic line-item expense.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be strong. Lead well.
