Thursday, May 30, 2019

“In prototype warfare, tactical commanders are encouraged and empowered to take calculated risks with a higher than normal tolerance for failure, enabling them to learn, succeed and exploit catalytic ideas that deliver asymmetric advantage.”
– Major Toby Whitmarsh & Arnel David –

Innovate. Iterate. Fail fast. Repeat.

It almost sounds like the mantra for a software startup, but instead, it’s a doctrine called “prototype warfare” currently under evaluation with the British Army. Military theorists understand that we’ve passed a critical exponential inflection point and that our ability to accurately forecast tomorrow’s battlefields has been obscured by the intersection of rapidly changing technologies, culture, geography and people.

Just as traditional “command and control” methodologies no longer serve military interests, so too must the private sector continue to adapt and adopt new ways of thinking. Click here for the thought piece IF YOU ARE NOT FIRST YOU ARE LAST: GAINING AN ADAPTIVE EDGE THROUGH PROTOTYPE WARFARE and then go get your Ricky Bobby on.