Search Results for: stories


Mar 2024

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

“The stories behind some state names are self-explanatory… Other etymologies are less straightforward.” – Michele Debczak – What’s the meaning behind the name of the state where you live? (And yes, I mean your physical location – not your mental...

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Mar 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

“One of the things that attracts me to vintage and antique things is they have stories, and even if I don’t know the stories, I make them up.” – Mary Kay Andrews – The demand for vintage items arises in...

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Mar 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024

“American pride takes many forms, including combating racism. I believe that Japanese Americans—and Asian Americans more broadly—should acknowledge their race and tell their stories.” – Cmdr. Michael Posey, USN – Over the past few years certain media outlets have made...

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