Tag: Articles

Friday, December 22, 2023

Forecasts, trends, projections, predictions. Educated guesses about 2024 abound this time of year and many are quite good. Yet they’re still just guesses so, as we prepare for 2024, I offer you a bit of certainty: You WILL be surprised...

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Friday, September 22, 2023

This week I’m wrapping up my series on AI for the C suite with some thoughts (and a few common-sense reminders) for humans working with AI systems. (Spoiler alert: Eventually, that will be almost everyone!) To learn more, Click here...

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Friday, August 18, 2023

AI isn’t merely a tool; it’s a catalyst for broad digital transformation. And, as organizations pursue the path to becoming truly digital entities, AI serves as an accelerator, bridging gaps and unveiling potential. For insight on unveiling your organization’s potential,...

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