Tag: Chad

Friday, January 20, 2017

I’ve previously written about the link between humor and conflict diffusion (reminder: they’re both handled by the same part of your brain). Now, a recent study recounted in the Harvard Business Review shows that well executed humor will also make you...

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Friday, January 13, 2017

Individuals with purpose not only make more money – they also live longer.  But what about businesses?  Consider the case of CVS, who in February 2014, announced that it would no longer sell cigarettes as the sale of tobacco was inconsistent with their purpose.  This...

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Friday, January 6, 2016

Despite an inherent desire for authenticity, most of us struggle with how much of our “true self” to reveal in the workplace. Turns out, those who occasionally say “!#@% it” are not only being authentic but as recent research shows, they’re also...

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