Tag: creation

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

“Our company is at the forefront of the new field of computational engineering, where sophisticated machines can be designed without manual work…The method can be applied to any field of engineering.” – Lin Kayser, co-founder of LEAP 71 – Engineers, manufacturers...

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

“With longer lifespans, we can learn, grow, evolve, and work as a society at an unprecedented pace compared to previous generations.” – Honghao Deng, CEO Butlr – What if the conversation about both hybrid and remote work environments is missing...

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

“Regardless of one’s role, coauthoring is an educational experience.” – Major Brennan Deveraux – Writing plays an often under appreciated role in professional development. Yet writing’s role is vital which is why so many trade journals exist with the U.S....

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