Tuesday, March 28, 2017
“If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee. That will do them in.” – Bradley’s Bromide – Technology Tuesday courtesy of the Technology Council of Central Pennsylvania (TCCP)
“If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee. That will do them in.” – Bradley’s Bromide – Technology Tuesday courtesy of the Technology Council of Central Pennsylvania (TCCP)
This week I witnessed a (very) high speed chase where a motorcycle blew through a state police blockade and then attempted to outrun three more troopers. While most of us will never be part of a situation like this, we all face...
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“Permit me, Your Highness, to report that heroes are to be found also in the lower ranks.” – Field Marshall Prince Alexi Suvorov to Prince Potemkin – Thinkful Thursday is courtesy of the Army Heritage Center Foundation