Tag: talent war

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

“If we can’t identify neurodiversity in the office, how can we expect to adapt our policies, practices and culture?” – Nika White – One estimate assesses 15%-20% of the world’s population as neurodiverse. Given the ongoing war for talent, this...

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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

“What if designing a robotic arm’s behavior didn’t require code?” – Mitch Tolson – There is little doubt that automation will play a significant role in evolving most industries. The question is “When and How?” Mitch Tolson, founder of Ally...

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Friday, April 29, 2022

Do your team members love what they do? Do you? “Love” might seem like a strong emotion to associate with work yet it may just be the missing piece of your talent strategy. To learn what this means – along...

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