Tag: technology

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

“We find that the most affected occupations involved nonroutine cognitive tasks. This is in stark contrast with prior findings that automation mainly displaces occupations involving routine tasks.” – Eisfeldt, Schubert, Zhang – I don’t often share working research papers in...

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

“[Our proprietary lights] drive photosynthesis very efficiently. They also have programming effects… We can tell the plant what to do with the spectrum.” – Nate Story, Plenty CSO & Co-Founder – It’s the first day back after a long holiday...

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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

“What the large language models are good at is saying what an answer should sound like, which is different from what an answer should be.” – Rodney Brooks, Robust.AI – Not everyone has completely bought in to the hype surrounding...

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