Tag: technology

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

“Automation raises worker productivity and therefore our economic standards of living. It does not lead to mass joblessness over time, as the Luddites (in 19th-century Britain) and others have feared.” – Harry Holzer – Fear-mongering around “job loss” typically dominates...

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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

“There hasn’t been another impactful camera in skateboarding like that. I don’t think there ever will be.” – Chris Ray – History is filled with hidden connections between seemingly unconnected technologies and industries. To draw inspiration from one such linkage,...

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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

“I hope people can envision a future where we as humans have robots that are alongside us, assisting in our daily lives.” – Grant Imahara – Conversations around automation inevitably involve someone saying something along the lines of “But that...

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