Thursday, August 13, 2020

“Unilateral decisions made in an emotional, time-pressured crisis are not always our best… A tactical pause allows us time to get a cross cutting set of options from fellow leaders and subordinates who have expertise in aspects of the situation.”
– Lieutenant General (Ret.) Frank Kearney –

I’m a huge fan of making non-emotional, considered decisions. Yet we don’t always have the opportunity to “take our time” in the heat of battle. No one understands this pressure better than the military, hence the concept of a “tactical pause.” Click here for Part 1 of the article Amid Crisis Is The Best Time To Take A ‘Tactical Pause’ and Click here for Part 2 titled Going Slow to Go Fast – How To Conduct A Tactical Pause. And the next time you’re in the thick of it remember to take a beat to make your decision all it can be.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be strong. Lead well.
