
The Rules

The Rules

You might call them “policies,” “processes,” “procedures,” “guidelines,” or plain old “rules.” Regardless of the name they’re given, I like to know what the rules are. Chances are you do, too. My reason for wanting to know the rules is...

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The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

I recently posted a video about how I got into my line of work. I was surprised by the number of people who reached out to me directly in response to that glimpse into my background. One individual challenged what...

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You Can Do It…But Should You?

You Can Do It…But Should You?

Last Sunday, I temporarily lost my mind. About noon, my daughter (in baleful tones) informed me that the clothes dryer was making a horrible screeching sound. It was Sunday and no repair shops were open, so I opened the machine...

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