Monday, December 16, 2024
“Productivity can create an imbalance in your life when it’s the only thing that matters… It’s the fastest way to burn out.”
– Israa Nasir –
In an era where “productivity hustle” has become our default operating system (and let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of running that program), we’re finally confronting the hidden costs of our obsession with getting things done. Like a computer running too many browser tabs (while Slack or Teams pings endlessly in the background), toxic productivity overclocks our mental CPU, leading to those system crashes we call burnout – but thankfully, there’s a better way to optimize our human OS. To evolve from the “move fast and break things” mantra to “move purposefully and fix things,” Check out the article What you can do to avoid toxic productivity.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be strong. Lead well.