Thursday, November 5, 2020

“One of the things about genius or inspiration is that once someone comes up with it, it strikes everyone else as so patently obvious that they could not have lived without it.”
– Mark Duckenfield, USAWC –

The wonderful thing about the modern era is its ready access to different information sets and the way they can be mashed up. For instance, I never expected to find Sir Thomas Aquinas’ five step decision-making model in the middle of an article about military strategy – and then overlaid with Col. Arthur F. Lykke’s three-legged stool model. So… if you’re looking for a slightly different take on strategy and strategic frameworks, Click here for the article Means-Based Decision-Making: A Case for The Metaphysics of Strategy. Then go craft your now mashup and start executing.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be strong. Lead well.
