Tag: creation

Tuesday, January 30, 2023

“We find that at today’s costs U.S. businesses would choose not to automate most vision tasks that have “AI Exposure,” and that only 23% of worker wages being paid for vision tasks would be attractive to automate.” – Svanberg, et....

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Monday, January 29, 2024

“If you can figure out what people need — what they truly need, not what they tell you they need — that is the hook from which you then begin ideating [and] that allows you to reframe your lens and...

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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

“Every day, 3 trillion dollars worth of transactions are handled by a 64-year-old programming language that hardly anybody knows anymore.” – JD Sartain – What do IBM, generative AI, a programmer shortage and (relatively) ancient computer code have in common?...

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