Tag: professional development

Monday, July 22, 2024

“To improve through practice, you have to perform the task repeatedly while also receiving feedback so you know whether you’re doing it correctly or not.” – – Tod Perry – Tricks are said to be for kids, but this new...

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Critical AI Updates: Open AI releases 5 Level Roadmap The timeline between defined stages of AI development continues to both compress and accelerate. Here’s what you need to know: New Article: AI in Legal Research: Promises, Pitfalls, and Actionable Insights...

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

“It wasn’t until I read Mindset that I truly recognized the impact my own fixed-minded leadership had on my subordinates and organization when I was a younger officer.” – Brandon Frei – Carol Dweck first published Mindset: The New Psychology...

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