Tag: professional development

Monday, November 28, 2016

“We cannot develop wisdom without stable awareness, and we cannot develop stable awareness without a foundation of wise speech and behavior.” – Matt Tenney – Mindfulness Monday courtesy of Matt Tenney, author of The Mindfulness Edge

Friday, November 11, 2016

You (yes, you) probably need a better onboarding process for your new hires as the average company loses “1 in 6 of their new hires each month for the first three months.” Even more troubling is that roughly “one-third of the new hires...

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Friday, October 21, 2016

With Halloween only ten days away, today is the perfect time to consider Greg Bustin’s 10 Scary Questions. As Greg notes, “questions are one of a leader’s most effective tools.” So the very first question you should ask yourself is...

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