
How Sharp Is Your Pencil?

How Sharp Is Your Pencil?

Today’s post will bring something a little different to the table. I’m sharing a scenario (which I heard during a professional development session at the annual Vistage Chair conference) that requires resolution. While normally I would give you my recommendations,...

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Solve Your Employment Woes: Hire a Poet

Solve Your Employment Woes: Hire a Poet

Attention hiring managers, HR pros, business owners, and entrepreneurs. I have a challenge for you. Instead of bemoaning the lack of available employees or poaching someone from a competitor, consider hiring someone from Business Insider’s (BI) “Most Useless College Majors”...

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Reflections on Creativity for 2023

Reflections on Creativity for 2023

What (or who) lights your Lamp of Inspiration? In 1997, Reed Hastings was annoyed by being charged a large late fee after returning a videocassette he had rented. The idea for Netflix was born, and those of us old enough...

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