Myths, Presenteeism, and the Return to Work
Setting the “proper” conditions for creativity, innovation, and collaboration is a topic surrounded by myths, legacy ideas, and what we think we know. These myths often suck the oxygen out of our discussions. They’re also one of the reasons why...
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Understanding the Impacts of Emotional Trauma
A Book Review of and Takeaways from What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing During the past 20 years, science and new discoveries have advanced our collective knowledge in previously unimaginable ways. Every now and then, some...
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Strategic Pricing and Profitability: A Conversation with Jill Campen
Pricing goods and services may seem a rational, well-thought-out formula driven by market demand and savvy analysis. However, all too often, it’s more like a wet finger stuck in the air to determine which way the wind is blowing. That’s...
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