
The New Chad Harvey Dot Com

The New Chad Harvey Dot Com

I’ve got some exciting changes to share with you – so this post will be more informative and less inspirational – but I guarantee that you’re going to like what I’m up to. First, I want you to know that...

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Chad’s Top Reads from 2017

Chad’s Top Reads from 2017

As the days grow shorter (and colder) I inevitably find myself reading more books. So today I’m sharing with you six of my top reads (three fiction and three non-fiction) that I’ve enjoyed this past year. I usually share shorter...

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You’ve Been Hacked – Now What?

You’ve Been Hacked – Now What?

Several executives I work with have raised questions about the data breach at Equifax and the potential impact upon them and their employees.  It’s important to understand that this was not “just another” hack and it’s likely that you and...

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