Generative AI and the C-Suite Part 2: Reshaping Your Organization With AI
If AI were a 1990s pop culture icon, it’d undoubtedly be the magical morphing Morpher from the “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.” Just as those everyday teens would transform into superheroes to battle the forces of evil, businesses today are using...
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Generative AI and the C-Suite Part 1: Understanding the Artificial Intelligence Landscape
The winds of technological change are blowing fiercely and swiftly through both our society and the business world. The speed with which this has occurred is fairly unprecedented as generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is a general-purpose technology birthed into...
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Five Cybersecurity Tips for CEOs: Tech Triumphs and Treacheries
I’m a huge fan of using tech to turbocharge organizations. Yet, I also strive to live firmly within the real world, which means acknowledging the very real downsides of technology. One of those downsides is the need for constant vigilance,...
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