Tag: chad harvey

Sky’s the Limit

Sky’s the Limit

I sat in the audience listening to the CEO speak about his organization’s recent achievements and they seemed impressive. Progress had been made in multiple diverse areas, stakeholders were satisfied overall, and the company appeared to be operating successfully. Throughout...

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Friday, June 8, 2018

With vacation season now upon us, this Friday’s note is more of a Public Service Announcement. BEWARE of TICKS! I’ve battled tick-borne illness a time or two and, with new U.S. cases exceeding 300,000 each year, it’s time to take...

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Friday, June 1, 2018

The other week I fired up the social media machine (I keep one in the basement) and polled my friends about the challenges they’re currently facing. The top response was “Engagement” and I have three suggestions for creating a higher...

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