Tag: neuroscience

Friday, March 17, 2017

Your confirmation bias is making decisions for you… and the two of you really need to consider breaking up. Confirmation bias occurs when we favor new evidence that confirms our existing beliefs or theories while simultaneously discounting alternative possibilities. (For more on this, check...

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Monday, March 6, 2017

“The present moment is actually perfect just the way it is. It is our thinking that creates problems. How free are you from the effects of your thinking?” – Matt Tenney – Mindfulness Monday courtesy of Matt Tenney, author of The...

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Friday, December 2, 2016

Ever been in a tense situation that was diffused through humor? That didn’t happen by accident as both humor and conflict diffusion are handled by the same part of your brain – the anterior cingulate cortex.  This and other interesting brain/humor findings are...

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