Tag: purpose

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

“Bullying forces targets to leave organizations in which they’re still contributing at a high level with plenty of runway ahead.” – Megan Carle – We often think of “bullying” solely as a relic of youth. Yet bullying exists at all...

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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

“Bright, curious children are a national and world resource. They need to be cared for, cherished, and encouraged.” – Carl Sagan – How well have you retained your childlike sense of wonder? Likely not nearly as well as you might...

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Thursday, April 20, 2023

“To remain the world’s strongest navy, we must have a consistently strong performance. Get Real, Get Better is the mind-set that our best performers use consistently.” – Admiral Michael M. Gilday, USN – There are many paths available for those...

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