Tag: purpose

Thursday, April 4, 2024

“True leadership does not involve asking others to take the wheel while you sit back, but inspiring teams to own their duties and responsibilities.” – Kelly Main – What does “ownership” mean to you and those within your organization? How...

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Thursday, March 28, 2024

“To a greater extent than any other officer since his time, Upton has determined the way our Army thinks. . . . Even those who took issue with Upton did so on the terms that he had established.” – Andrew Bacevich – Emory...

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Thursday, March 14, 2024

“American pride takes many forms, including combating racism. I believe that Japanese Americans—and Asian Americans more broadly—should acknowledge their race and tell their stories.” – Cmdr. Michael Posey, USN – Over the past few years certain media outlets have made...

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