Tag: purpose

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

“We believe “the solution” to today’s massive challenges lie within the 3rd Paradigm.” – Dr. Heidi Scott Giusto and Dawa Tarchin Phillips – Does your organization operate within a First, Second or Third Paradigm framework? Understanding which one applies is...

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Friday, October 13, 2023

People often talk about “enjoying the journey” versus the allure of the destination. Yet what makes that journey compelling are the stories we collect and create along the way. Even in business, it’s the stories that get told with vigor...

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Thursday, October 12, 2023

“The best advice I can give is put your heart and soul into your work.” – Desmond Doss – As we all bear witness to what is likely a pivotal, historical moment, it’s worth remembering that courage and leadership wear...

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